05 Dec

MaK’s and F’s Stories – Shared with Friends Ugandan Safe Transport

MaK’s Story

Though my papers read M, I know that’s not me! I am MaK! I was born in a wrong body. That was easy to say not knowing the trouble ahead.

At first it was my family, when dad questioned that why am I behaving and walking like a girl. Dad gave mom serious instruction on how to raise me as a boy, I received a lot of beating and punishment every time the woman in me came out. 


This is “MaK” – her picture was altered by Friends Ugandan Safe Transport to protect her identity.

I was even taken to only boys’ boarding school so that I grow up as a man. This really affected my growth and social life. Things only changed when I went into University far away from home and I accepted myself as a woman. This new earned freedom has not lasted really long. The Christian strictness of this University quickly targeted me and I was identified as a Transgender. The news made it to university gossip groups. I was attacked twice in the bathroom by haters and before I knew it the University suspended me.

Going back home wasn’t something I can even imagine. I just realized that I need a helping hand to help me go into another country where I can live as MaK not M. The only criminal act I have committed is being me. My community wants me to live a life which isn’t mine. Yes my biology says am a man but inside me I am a woman.

Transwomen and Transmen are high targets for the haters of the LGBTQ people. There is no compromise whatsoever, people are happy to save you by only killing you.

I rather die than live as a man.

I can’t imagine how being a woman can bother somebody so much. The world was given to us free and we make choices as long as they don’t affect another people. Why can’t I just be ignored?

My only way out is to flee. I have been dreams I want to be a designer and make fashions which bring on diversity.

Help me get out of here and I rebuild my life from another country.


F’s Story

All my life I had wanted to become a priest in our Catholic Church. To become a Reverend Father is a big dream for millions here in Uganda. It’s a long journey and a painful sacrifice. It’s something which starts right from high school. I joined the Seminary with love and lots of joy. I knew what it takes and I was ready. I did all I was supposed to do and last year I became a full Deacon. I had only this year and I was going to be ordained as a Father, last December I even dreamed that I am Fr. F.

However I should tell you that I have had a big secret and a few of my acquaintances – brother J & brother L – we are gay.


This is F with J and L. Their pictures were altered by Friends Ugandan Safe Transport to protect their identities.

We had become so used to each other and sometimes we weren’t careful enough to keep our secrets closed. This year we were investigated and the Vocational Director ordered for our immediate suspension. This also comes with being exposed. I don’t want to apportion blames now but the dream came down just like that.

Am now battling for survival and racing against time to get out of Uganda.

I want to try and start a new life as an open and out Gay man. Am still a Christian and I choose to serve God.

Every Blessings +


Friends Ugandan Safe Transport Fund needs your help to fund the safe transport of MaK and F and the 120 other passengers in hiding out of Uganda.

We can’t do it without you.

Every dollar helps.

You can make a donation online here:

Thank you,
Gabi Clayton and Kathleen O’Shaunessy
for Olympia Friends Meeting’s Friends Ugandan Safe Transport Fund